Sunday, January 3, 2010

How To Become a Computer Technician ?

Computer Repair

Welcome to a profession with strong opportunities in the job market! Before the jump in this demanding but rewarding profession, take a little time to learn what is at stake. , Examining how computer technicians donate their time and knowledge of the steps you must take in order to determine you can help, whether that output the field for you.

What does a computer technician do?

In a nutshell, leading IT solution installation and maintenance technicians, or problems that people with their computers. Just as there are different types of computers and different levels of computer systems and networks, there are different types of computer specialist. A partial list of some of the job descriptions in this growing area includes the following:

• Desktop Support Specialist

• Network Administrator

• System Administrator

• Computer Forensics Specialist

• Helpdesk Technician

• Customer Support Analyst

• Internet professional
The salaries for computer technician jobs will vary by factors such as prior work experience, location and company size. Starting salary for help desk and technical support staff positions are often more than 50,000 U.S. dollars, while starting salaries for systems administrators can reach or exceed $ 70,000.

The demand for computer technicians is huge.
Until now, the world has more than 65,000 certified technicians and the industry could use a lot more. A variety of options are open for computer technician for the simple reason that computers are now found everywhere, in almost every business, large and small, as in almost every home. And wherever computers are found, then the files, disk crashes, operating systems and disappear. This is when a computer technician immediately to be a super hero. Many computer technicians are employed in the corporate world and are responsible for the ongoing management of a company's PCs, terminals, monitors, networking and server component be held responsible. Many others are self-employed.

Some of the functions of a computer technician are: installation, configuration and upgrading PCs, laptops and related equipment, diagnose and troubleshoot both common and unusual hardware and software problems, implementing preventive maintenance on computer equipment, installation of necessary software patches, ensuring the connectivity of PCs, laptops, handhelds and other devices on the local network (LAN) and wide area network, setting up and maintaining network and locally attached printers and peripheral devices needed to connect.
What steps should I follow to become a computer technician?

1. Learn about computers. The training can take many forms and can begin at any time in your life. Training not required to be fully within the class either. It can be driven even and steady. Computer-based training at home is certainly useful, and a robust curiosity for understanding how computers work is invaluable! Most importantly, learn where to find the right answers. How true in all areas of the test, you do not know everything to be intelligent, but the capacity to know where the information you need makes you look a genius!

2. Experiences. Where possible, try to get as many hands-on time working with computers as possible. This can be seen as part of a course or training program to be implemented or it can be done by yourself at home.

3. Get a formal computer training. You can begin preparing for a computer technician still in high school. Many schools offer certification courses or credit card to a 2-year college degree or an Associate Degree. High school graduates can choose to pursue either a 2 or 4 years college program. Many colleges offer computer technician training programs that are directly related to the actual job because you are out there in the real world. The main courses will need to take you to the courses that you prepare for your certification exams! These courses can be taken as part of a study or on a stand-alone basis.

4. To obtain certification. A professional certification is a formal designation, which certifies that a person is qualified to fulfill a job or task. Certifications in the field of computer technicians are invaluable because they validate your knowledge about computers and let others know that you have the skills necessary to really have to do the job. There are many types and levels of computer technician certification. In general, they fall into the following categories:

o Vendor-neutral certifications: These are certificates that do not focus on a particular manufacturer or product, but covers the entire spectrum of hardware and software manufacturers. One of the largest developer of vendor certifications are CompTIA (Computing Technology Industry Association), a very widely recognized CompTIA A + certification has known. Is the A + certification confirms a technician capable of tasks such as installation, configuration, diagnosing, preventive maintenance and basic networking. It also examines the complementary skills in such important issues such as security, safety and environmental issues and communication and professionalism.

o Vendor-specific certifications: These certifications are focused on specific technologies and are driven by the manufacturers of these technologies. They are tailored to the users of these technologies and employ the institutions that support them. An example of a certification is highly desirable in this category is the MCSE (Microsoft Certified System Engineer) certification, which prepares you to work with Microsoft Windows platform and Microsoft server systems. Other providers offer very popular certifications of this kind include Cisco , Apple, Dell, Novell, and many others.

To receive certification, you need to test with the specific certification track to pass related. Courses to help you prepare for your certification exams often as part of parent training programs at universities or schools found the computer technician training programs offer. There are also "boot camps", the intensive training specifically targeted for certification exams. Register to pass a test and a test center near you, the website of the certifying authority vendor.
After following these steps, do I become a GREAT computer technician?
There are three important attributes you will need to keep in mind and continually nurture:
1. Have patience! Be consistent patient with yourself and with people with whom you work.

2. Continuously improve your knowledge. Adaptability is important in this area! The world of computers is constantly changing and developed. The average lifespan for a particular model of technology is about two years. Always keep on the latest advances in technology and stay ahead of the curve as much as you can.
3. MAINTAIN a positive attitude. Most people will call you as a last resort because they have already tried to resolve the problem themselves and were not able to. As a result, they are angry, frustrated, or worse! If you are a peaceful atmosphere and show a positive and friendly attitude, you've already done half the job. If you also fix your problem, you will be their hero and they will not forget you.

These are the basic things to know about becoming a successful computer technician. It takes an investment of time and experience to make everything right, but remember, if you go basis, to school, you will get your certifications and then acquire and maintain the attributes for success in this area They thrive with a lucrative career in a much more "in-demand industry!

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